Erasmus @ Paris

25 febrero, 2006

Galician festival... Entroido!!!

Today is one of that days where I really miss my country, my region, my town, my village... This weekend is the Entroido (Carnaval in spanish), which is really important and has a lot of traditions in my loved Galicia. That desert is (actually, tries to be...) one of the typical things that everybody eat these days. I've done that right now. Believe me, my grandmother's version looks really more tasty!!

I miss all of you family, friends, and Ana... I hope to see you as soon as it could be possible. J


  • Orellas...
    Eu tamén quero entroido...

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 11:03  

  • Il faut que je goûte ton truc!!

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 19:34  

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