Erasmus @ Paris

28 enero, 2006

Maintaining this blog

Just ask for one thing. We have put google advertisments just for earn some money. We are sure that this coins are not gonna give us the option to buy a car, pay 1holiday-week or one dinner in George Pompidou's Restaurant; but if you make some clicks in them maybe we will be able to buy one whisky bottle at the end of this course to celebrate our Erasmus year. Just make some clicks everyday please, for you is free and the showed links are related with what we talk about here, then you're gonna find it interesting. Greetings to everybody.


  • J'espère que la bouteille de whisky on la boira ensemble!!!
    Et prend une bouteille de vodka aussi!!!

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 15:14  

  • Bien sur mon ami!! Moi, toi, une paire de bouteilles et beacoup de coquins ;) tu as venir à las Espagne avec moi et voir que es-ce que est a bonne fete!

    By Blogger Jordan, at 15:21  

  • si porque los gabachos de fiesta no deben saber mucho

    By Blogger Franciscano, at 00:11  

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