Looking back, looking forward
I've just entered in my adsense account, and I could see that we've surpassed 6000 page prints. Whoa!! the videos are over 3000 views also. I never believed that we would arrived here. The idea of this blog was and is the same, share our experiences with our friends, and everybody that could be interested; and save a piece of our Erasmus life as a kind of diary where we will be able to remember this year in the future. For all of this... Thanks, merci, gracias, graciñas, obrigado, etc...
Ah! I've added a new links section, with some friends' blogs. I recommend you to take a look, it's cool stuff!!
We've won 7,16$ with adsense, it's not enough for one bottle of whisky, click more times in advertisements Christian!! :P
can we have a "click exchange"? :D
By Maria Ciobanel, at 19:10
Ueje! Thanks!
By Anónimo, at 22:55
;) Pas de souci
By Jordan, at 23:05
anda q avisas del jamoncito pedazo de cabron...
By Anónimo, at 23:11
ya te digo,pero....q hijo de puta!!!
By Anónimo, at 23:12
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